Interested in volunteering in Asia, Africa, Latin America, or Oceania? Would you like to spend six months or a year volunteering abroad? Apply for the International Cultural Youth Exchange (ICYE) programme!
Apply for the August-September 2025 departure! >> See the application instructions
Where and when?
Voluntary work in various fields
Training camps
When and how to apply??
Participation fee and what it includes?
Who can participate?
Further information
ICYE builds bridges between cultures through everyday cooperation. A long-term partnership of 6 or 12 months offers you and the people in your voluntary workplace a shared learning journey!
Ghana | Kenya | Morocco | Mozambique | Nigeria | South Africa |Tanzania >> All
Asia and Oceania:
Indonesia | Japan | Nepal | New Zealand | Philippines | South Korea | Taiwan | Thailand |Vietnam >> All
Latin America and the United States:
Argentina | Bolivia | Brazil | Colombia | Costa Rica | Ecuador | Honduras | Mexico | Peru | the United States >> All
Maailmanvaihto has partner organisations around the world! The voluntary work periods begin in August–September when an on-arrival training camp is organized in each country that receives ICYE volunteers. The exact starting dates vary according to the destination country. In most countries, one can also start a half-year voluntary work period in January–February. The next departure for ICYE volunteering will be in August–September 2025.
Opportunities exist in various parts of the world in various work fields, such as youth work, kindergartens, schools, homes for the elderly, work with people with disabilities, environmental protection organizations, and human rights organizations.
Learn about the voluntary workplaces at the ICYE network’s database for long-term volunteering ( In the search engine, you can browse voluntary workplaces by country or theme of the work:
A few examples of volunteering opportunities:
As an ICYE volunteer, you work in supportive roles. You don’t need to have a specific educational or work background to participate in the program. On the other hand, if you are, for example, a healthcare, social, or education student or professional, it may be possible for you to apply your expertise!
In volunteer work, you get to broaden your worldview, learn about intercultural interaction, build new connections and friendships, and develop your skills. Volunteers typically stay either with a host family or at their volunteer placement.
At the program’s training camps, you get to prepare for your volunteer experience and reflect on it.
”The wonderful people and experiences of my volunteering year taught me and gave me perspective to look at things from different sides.” – Sanna Ojaniemi, ICYE volunteer at an activity center for children and youngsters in Brazil
Yearly, the first application round for ICYE volunteering ends on 31st October, and the second on 31st January. In the second application round, you are welcome to apply to those destinations to which open places are left from the first application period.
After the main application rounds, there are still places available for August–September 2025 departure to Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ghana, Indonesia (6 months only), Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal (6 or 10 months), New Zealand, and Peru. Places will be filled in the order of applying as suitable applicants are found. The last day to receive applications is 1 April 2025. Applications for the same countries are also open for the period January–February 2026. In Nepal, the period will be 5 months starting in January. The list of countries may be extended.
There is a participation fee for the ICYE program. The fee covers arrangements of the volunteering year, such as insurances, camps, and language courses. ICYE does not seek financial gain from the program.
Participation fees for the season 2025–26
The participation fee includes:
NB! The participant also needs to pay for the flights and the visa to the destination country.
Maailmanvaihto grants the participants stipends (maximum of 650 €) on an economic basis.
When do I need to pay the participation fee?
If after the selection interview, you are selected as a participant, within approximately two weeks of your selection interview, you will receive a participation and payment agreement with cancellation conditions to sign and you will need to pay a deposit of €400. In the contract, you will decide whether to pay the rest of your participation fee in one, two, or more installments. Your participation fee must be paid in full before departure.
The participants need to have an ability to adjust, flexibility, openness as well as interest in different cultures and lifestyles. It is an asset to know the language of the destination country already before departure, but this is not a requirement. The volunteering periods include a language course of the local language. No educational or working background is required.
Mainly 18–30-year-old young adults. The age limit varies a bit according to the destination country. Over 30-year-old adults can participate in voluntary work periods mainly in Asian and African countries.
“As a volunteer, I learned enormously about the local culture. – Jenni Valtere, an ICYE volunteer in a kindergarten and primary school in Indonesia
We require a full coronary vaccination series from volunteers who will be working with people in a vulnerable position, such as the elderly or people with disabilities. Volunteers should also follow the ICYE and host country guidelines on vaccination. An exception may be made if you are unable to take the vaccine for health reasons.
”I can definitively recommend heading for volunteering. Incredible experiences and people.” – Antti Soininen, ICYE volunteer at circus and theatre activities for children and youngsters in Cochabamba, Bolivia
If you have questions, please contact us!
You can also reach us via e-mail at and by phone +358 50 346 0965 (also WhatsApp).
“As greetings to everyone interested in international volunteer work, I want to say that if there is even a small possibility to go, then do it! Along the way, you will learn new things about yourself, others, and the whole world.” – Kalle Godenhjelm, volunteering at an activity center for children and youth in Brazil