Publications on International Volunteering

We develop our activities through trainings and projects and co-operation gladly when it comes to theses. From below you can find material from projects we have taken part in and theses related to our activities.

The material discusses the impact and ethicalness of international volunteering, intercultural learning, non-formal learning, anti-racism, and communication.

Impact of international volunteering

Impact Study Report – Skills and Competences for a Global World (pdf)

The study (2019) assesses the impact of the European Voluntary Service on ten young volunteers and their voluntary workplaces and examines the managing and supporting the volunteers.

The study was made in the project Skills and Competences for a Global World (2017–2019, Erasmus+ Key Action 2), which aimed at preparing, training, and supporting young volunteers in getting as much as possible intercultural learning and making the most out of their volunteering periods. The study is situated on the website of the ICYE Federation.

Impacts of long-term international volunteering on volunteers’ intercultural competence (pdf)

Master’s thesis (2018), Lacey McKivison, University of Jyväksylä. The thesis is situated in Jyväskylä University Digital Repository.

“Edes hieman avuksi, ehkä iloksikin”: tutkimus Maailmanvaihto ry:n vapaaehtoisten 2014 –2015 kokemuksista kansainvälisessä vapaaehtoistyössä (pdf)

Master’s thesis (2017), Anu Molarius, University of Eastern Finland. In Finnish. The thesis is situated in the open-access materials repository of the University of Eastern Finland.

“En osaisi kuvitella tätä taloa ilman vapaaehtoisia”: Paikallisten kokemuksia kansainvälisestä vapaaehtoistyöstä Boliviassa (pdf)

Master’s thesis (2017), Karoliina Saarinen, University of Helsinki. In Finnish. The thesis is situated in the Digital Repository of the University of Helsinki.

Maailmanvaihto ry:n kansainvälisten vapaaehtoistyöntekijöiden vaikuttavuus työyhteisöissä (pdf)

Thesis (2016), Maiju Alakurtti, Humak University of Applied Sciences. The thesis is situated in Open Repository Theseus, which offers theses and publications of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences.

Kansainvälisen vapaaehtoistyön vaikutuksia kulttuurienvälisen viestinnän taitoihin (pdf)

Thesis (2016), Sonja Alén, Humak University of Applied Sciences. Thesis in Finnish, description available in English. The thesis is situated in Open Repository Theseus, which offers theses and publications of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences.

Vapaaehtoistyöllä on väliä? Kansainvälisyyskasvatus ja kansainvälinen vapaaehtoistyö järjestössä Fundación VASE / ICYE Ecuador (decription on the thesis)

Master’s thesis (2016), Hanna-Kaisa Salmi, University of Helsinki. The description of the thesis is available online (in Finnish) in the Digital Repository of the University of Helsinki, whereas the thesis is not.

Kansainvälisen vapaaehtoistyön KaVa-verkoston vapaaehtoistyöohjelmien erityisarvo vapaaehtoisten ammatilliselle kasvulle ja verrattuna muihin kansainvälisiin kokemuksiin (pdf)

Thesis (2015), Marjo Yli-Koski and Hilla Vuorinen, Humak University of Applied Sciences. The thesis is in Finnish, description is available in English. The thesis is situated in Open Repository Theseus, which offers theses and publications of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences.

Empathy and intercultural understanding in the context of international long-term volunteers (pdf)

Master’s thesis (2014), Suvi Niemelä, University of Jyväskylä. In English. The thesis is situated in Jyväskylä University Digital Repository.

IMPACT ICYE – Practical Guide for Assessing the Impact of Long-Term International Volunteering (pdf)

The guidebook (2013) offers tools for assessing the impact of long-term international volunteering for voluntary workplaces as well as for organizations coordinating the volunteering co-operation. Tools on examining the impact of the volunteering periods on the volunteers and voluntary workplaces. In English. The impact assessment questionnaires (pdf) in Spanish

The guidebook was made by the international office of the ICYE Federation in the projects Training for Cross-Cultural Volunteering Impact and Evaluation of a Volunteering Research Training (April – October 2013, Action 4.3, Youth in Action / EU). The guidebook is situated on the website of the ICYE Federation.

Impact assessment with volunteers in Finland (pdf)

The impact assessment examines the impact of international volunteering among volunteers from abroad in Finland. In English.

The impact assessment was carried out by Maailmanvaihto as a part of the training called Training on Cross Cultural Volunteering Impact (Action 4.3, Youth in Action / EU). The assessment is situated on the website of the ICYE Federation.

Impact assessment at voluntary workplaces in Finland (pdf)

The impact assessment examines the impact of international volunteering at voluntary workplaces in Finland. In English.

The impact assessment was carried out by Maailmanvaihto as a part of the training called Training on Cross Cultural Volunteering Impact (Action 4.3, Youth in Action / EU). The assessment is situated on the website of the ICYE Federation.

Impact assessment with host organisations in Denmark (pdf)

The impact assessment (2013) examines the impact of international volunteering at voluntary workplaces in Denmark. In English.

The impact assessment was carried out by the Danish ICYE organization (Dansk ICYE) as a part of the training called Training on Cross Cultural Volunteering Impact (Action 4.3, Youth in Action / EU). The assessment is situated on the website of the ICYE Federation.

Ethicalness of international volunteering

Pelastamista vai päälläseisontaa: Kansainvälisten vapaaehtoistyöntekijöiden suhde vapaaehtoistyön ja sen eettisyyden kritiikkiin (pdf)

Bachelor’s thesis (2020), Lea Absetz, Tampere University. In Finnish. The study is situated in the open institutional repository of Tampere University.

Intercultural learning

Practical Guide for Intercultural Learning in International Voluntary Service (pdf)

The guidebook (2019) includes methods that support young people in learning about non-formal learning and intercultural learning during international volunteering. In English.

The guidebook was made in the project Skills and Competences for a Global World (2017–2019, Erasmus+ Key Action 2), which aimed at preparing, training, and supporting young volunteers to gain as much as possible intercultural learning and get the most out of their experience. The guidebook is situated on the website of the ICYE Federation.

Non-formal learning

Handbook for Social Entrepreneurship through Volunteering (pdf)

The handbook (2020) includes methods that support young people in learning about non-formal learning and about social entrepreneurship. The aim is to encourage young people for social entrepreneurship during their volunteering periods. The handbook is targeted at the staff of voluntary workplaces. In English. See also the handbook in Spanish (pdf)

The handbook was made in the project Young Leaders for Social Change: Entrepreneurship through Volunteering (2018–2020, Erasmus+ Key Action 2). The goal of the project was to advance the social entrepreneurship of young people through advancing creativity and initiative. The handbook is situated on the website of the ICYE Federation.

Non-Formal Learning Handbook for Volunteers and Volunteering Organisations (pdf)

The handbook (2017) prepares, trains, and supports volunteers who work in organizations of formal or non-formal learning. It offers the volunteers non-formal learning methods and activities to be used at their voluntary workplaces among children and young people.

The handbook was made in the project Volunteers at the Interface between Formal and Non-Formal Education (2015–2017, Erasmus+ Key Action 2). The project aimed at strengthening the input of the young volunteers who volunteer in organizations of formal or formal learning. It aimed at creating synergy between formal and non-formal learning and advancing the use of non-formal and participatory methods in the contact of formal education. The handbook is situated on the website of the ICYE Federation.


Standing together against Racism in Europe (pdf)

The handbook (2020) offers anti-racist activities for groups of young people, themes include power relations and prejudices, for instance. In English. See also the online guidebook.

The handbook was made in the project Standing together against Racism in Europe (2017–2020, Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership), which aimed at advancing the work of ICYE organizations on promoting anti-racism and to support in this work also other actors who work among young people. The handbook is situated on the website of the youth exchange organization ICJA.

Managing Organizational Change – Tools and methods to become a diversity-sensitive NGO (pdf)

The handbook includes tools and methods for taking into account diversity in organizations. See also the online guidebook.

The handbook was made in the project Standing together against Racism in Europe (2017–2020, Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership), which aimed at advancing the work of ICYE organizations on promoting anti-racism and to support in this work also other actors who work among young people. The handbook is situated on the website of the youth exchange organization ICJA.


ICYE Guide to Visibility and Promotion (pdf)

The guidebook (2017) offers tips on promoting long-term volunteering, for instance, support for putting together a visibility strategy and choosing communication channels and methods.

The guidebook was made in the project Calling Youth to Action in a Global Visibility Drive (2016–2017, Erasmus+ Key Action 2) which aimed at supporting organizations promoting long-term volunteering and non-formal learning. The guidebook is situated on the website of the ICYE Federation.

ICYE Social Media Guide (pdf)

Guidebook (2015) on using different channels in promoting international volunteering. In English.

The guidebook was made by the social media workgroup of the ICYE network. It is situated on the website of the ICYE Federation.