Quality Standards

To make the volunteering periods as rewarding as possible for volunteers and their host communities, we follow a set of quality standards.

When sending ICYE volunteers abroad, we follow the minimum quality standards of ICYE International. We follow the International Volunteering Network Quality Standards (KaVa) for all our volunteer placements.

The ICYE minimum quality standards in brief

The general quality standards of the KaVa network

The Network of International Volunteering (Kansainvälisen Vapaaehtoistyön Verkosto KaVa) includes Allianssi Youth Exchanges, Kansainvälinen Vapaaehtoistyö ry (KVT), and Maailmanvaihto – ICYE Finland. The members of the network are religiously and politically neutral organisations that send volunteers abroad. The mission of the network is to jointly develop volunteer programmes and to act as a platform for peer learning and support.

The quality standards are intended to highlight the elements of good-quality volunteering, and the more detailed contents have been developed on a programme-by-programme basis. More programme-specific information can be found on the organisations’ websites: www.nuorisovaihto.fi, www.kvtfinland.org  and www.maailmanvaihto.fi.

1. The purpose of the activities

The organisations have clear objectives and purpose for organising volunteering. Each organisation works on the basis of its own values. The activities are not for pursuing financial gain. The members of the network share the common objectives of intercultural learning, and strengthening global responsibility and active citizenship. They also aim to promote the relevance and visibility of volunteering.

2. Organizing volunteering

2.1 Communication, application and selection

Communication: the communication about the programmes is open and comprehensive, giving a realistic picture.

Application: The applicant will be provided with at least the following information in the selection process: information about the programme organiser; a description of the programme; information about the experiences of previous participants; descriptions of the volunteer placements; and information about what the participation fee includes.

Selection: Each organisation has a clear selection criteria. The selection process is openly communicated to applicants. Organisation-specific selection criteria and descriptions of their selection processes are available on their website. Applicants’ information will be treated confidentially. Check out (in Finnish) Maailmanvaihdon haku- ja valintaprosessi vapaaehtoistyöohjelmiin.

2.2 Training

Volunteers will receive high-quality training that is appropriate to the requirements and objectives of each programme. All programmes include at least discussing the adaptation to a new culture, the role of the volunteer, rights and responsibilities, health and safety. Volunteers will also receive information about the host country. During the coaching process, it is also possible to receive support and information from previous participants. Feedback on the training sessions will be collected and the sessions will be continuously improved.

2.3 Support in the country of destination

During the volunteering period, the volunteer will be familiarised with the culture and working practices of the host country and supported by a contact person in both the host and sending organisations.

2.4 Support in the return process

Volunteers will be offered the opportunity to discuss their volunteering experience after their return. They will be asked for feedback which will be taken into account in the development of activities. Returning volunteers are encouraged to actively participate in the activities of the sending organisation and other civic activities. Volunteers will receive a certificate of their participation in volunteering.

3. Monitoring and evaluation

Each member of the network has its own monitoring and evaluation methods, which are used to develop the programmes.