KaVa’s info on International Volunteering 6.9.2022

Interested in volunteering in Europe or further away? You are welcome to join the info events of Kansainvälisen Vapaaehtoistyön Verkosto KaVa (the Network of International Volunteering)! During the events, you will gain information on the possibilities to head abroad via the network’s members and hear about the experiences of volunteers.

The time of the event is Tuesday 6th September 2022 at 6–8 p.m. in Helsinki. The event will take place in Helsinki Central Library Oodi, in Maijansali hall. No registration required, you may join at any point during the event.
The events are open for all. The events will be held, at least mainly, in Finnish. The participants commit to building for their part an atmosphere in which all are respected.

The members of the network are Allianssi Youth Exchanges, Kansainvälinen vapaaehtoistyö ry (KVT), and Maailmanvaihto – ICYE Finland.
The Network of International Volunteering advances quality and responsible volunteering.

– The members of the network send volunteers abroad to local grass-root level projects and receive volunteers to Finland.
– The volunteering periods last from a few weeks up to a year.
– An aim and a purpose have been thought for the volunteering, and the activities of the members of the network are non-for-profit.
– The goal of volunteering is intercultural learning as well as advancing global responsibility and active citizenship.
– In Finland, one can join in gaining international experiences in the voluntary activities of the network.

Get to know the other organizations:
– https://www.nuorisovaihto.fi
– https://www.kvtfinland.org

Welcome to follow our accounts! #KaVaDays
– IG: @nuorisovaihto, @kvtfinland, @maailmanvaihto
– FB: @nuorisovaihto, @kansainvalinenvapaaehtoistyo, @maailmanvaihto

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