Volunteers’ Voices 1/2016: everyday life

Editorial: Jump Into the Unknown

When I left to Costa Rica in August 2014, I had already created a bunch of surrealistic ideas how my time there is going to be. Besides the concrete thoughts concerning my travelling plans and hopes related to my future-work, I also imagined myself in a more idealistic way. First of all, I would alienate myself from my obsessive behavior towards my phone (and wi-fi!), I would eat healthier and refuse parties for a year in total. Yeah, that would totally do it! I would be the new improved version of myself. Sure.

My time abroad became something more than I would have ever expected beforehand. I made new friends, I underwent through a lot and I was literally spending time far-away from my comfort-zone. I gained experiences that I will, in no doubt, remember forever.

Besides all of that and even more, there was this tiny bit of me that never really changed – even though I was living in this tiny village in the middle of no-where, working with the sea turtles. My heart sank every time when the wi-fi went down. During my first night in my village I already spent the whole night drinking coco-locos with the locals. And I never got used to tico-time, the Costa Rican way of being late from absolutely everywhere.

For all the volunteers in Finland and beyond. Time is yours, be you, try to make the most of it and remember to enjoy the ride!

Anna Ylitalo
Member of the Maailmanvaihto board who volunteered in Costa Rica  in the season 2014–15

In the issue

2 Editorial: Jump Into the Unknown
3 Pääkirjoitu: Hyppy tuntemattomaan
5 Kutsu kevätkokoukseen
6 Ajankohtaista
Teema: Arki / Theme: Everyday Life
— 9 Haaveena arjen vaihtaminen? Vinkkejä hakuun
— 11 Ennen Matkaa… Muistithan nämä?
— 12 Erilainen kauppareissu
— 14 One day in kirkkomännikön koulu
— 16 Makumatka maailmalla
— 17 Kokkailua Taiwanissa
— 19 Reseptejä maailmalta
— 21 Arkielämää Mumbaissa
22 Nostalgia eli kotiinpaluun tuska
23 Intensive and inspiring office days in Vietnam
25 Terveiset ICYEn yleiskokouksesta Intiasta
28 Luokkahuoneissa kurkistuksia eri puolille maailmaa
30 Volunteer experiences and Finnish nightmares
32 Tule mukaan toimintaan!
33 Uutta arkea omassa kodissa
35 Tapahtumakalenteri

ISSN 2342-2629 (Printed)
ISSN 2342-2637 (Online version)

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