Get to know our activities during the World Village Festival weekend!

The World Village Festival will be organized online 29–30 May 2021. We participate in the festival as an exhibitor. In between the festival program, learn about possibilities to join in the activities of Maailmanvaihto, you can find information on them from below and during the festival weekend also on our social media channels: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.

Visit the World Village Festival
5 x join in the acitivities of Maailmanvaihto
Upcoming events

We at Maailmanvaihto work for advancing intercultural understanding, equality and peace. We are a youth exchange organization found in 1958. Our organization is religiously and politically nonaligned.

Via us, young people both travel abroad and come from abroad to Finland for 6–12 months of volunteering. The co-operation offers for the people of the workplace and the volunteer a joint intercultural learning journey.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we currently have much less volunteering exchange. About the impact of the coronavirus situation on the volunteering programs you can read on the pages of the programs. We follow the situation and update the information.

5 x join in the activities of Maailmanvaihto

1) Abroad from Finland for volunteering

In international volunteering, you will learn through daily life co-operation. You will gain understanding of life in another part of the world and learn about yourself, too. There are volunteering tasks in the educational field, human rights work, and environmental protection work, for instance.

If you are aged 18–30 years, apply for EU-supported volunteering in the European Solidarity Corps (ESC)!

In the International Cultural Youth Exchange (ICYE) program, volunteers work outside Europe. The upper age limit of this program is flexible. The next time to travel for ICYE volunteering abroad is in January–February 2022.

2) From abroad to Finland for volunteering

We receive volunteers from different parts of the world. In Finland, too, the young people participate within the European Solidarity Corps or in the ICYE program. Most often, our volunteers work in the educational field or take part in work with people with disabilities.

3) Become a host family

As a host family, you have an important role in making the co-operation between a young volunteer from abroad and a common-good organization possible by providing a home for the volunteer. In this voluntary task, you will share your daily life home living with the volunteer. Welcome to become a host family are families, couples as well as those who live alone. See our current possibilities to become a host family as well as further information on host family activities – and apply to become a host family!

4) Become a support person

Also as a support person, you are an important part of the volunteering period in Finland of a young volunteer from abroad. You are a local friend who cares about the greetings of the volunteer and supports the volunteer in getting to know living in a new place. See further information on the support person activities and apply to become a support person!

5) Join in the teams of training camps for volunteers

In the teams of Maailmanvaihto’s training camps, you will get a chance to exercise your skills and get to know volunteers from different countries. We are currently putting together a team for the on-arrival training camp which we will hold in August in Tuusula, if the coronavirus situation allows, or online. Learn more about the training camp activities and apply!

Got interested? Do you have questions? Please, contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also e-mail or call us at +358 50 452 5660.

Want to say up to date about possibilities to join in our activities? Subscribe to our monthly e-mail newsletter (MailChimp) (the newsletter is published in Finnish).

Upcoming events

18 Aug Zoom
Zoom into international volunteering: ICYE volunteering in Asia!

We will learn about co-operation in Asian countries, such as Japan and Taiwan. Further information and sign-up instructions coming up soon.

22 Sept Zoom
Zoom into international volunteering: Skills for life from volunteering

The participants will share their learning experiences. Further information and sign-up instructions coming up soon.

6. Oct Zoom
Zoom into international volunteering: Opi vapaaehtoistyössä luonnon- ja ympäristönsuojelusta

ESC and ICYE volunteering opportunities in the nature and environment field in different parts of the world. Further information and sign-up instructions coming up soon.

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Practice languages in Maailmanvaihto’s Language Café

Would you like to practice speaking in Spanish or Finnish...

Maailmanvaihto’s office will closed during 23.12.2024–1.1.2025

Maailmanvaihto's office will remain closed during 23.12.2024–1.1.2025.

Volunteering around the world: Making an impact in Nigeria

At ICYE Nigeria volunteers have a chance to take part...

Read MaailmanVaihtoa – Volunteers Voices 2/2025: the impact of international volunteering

MaailmanVaihtoa – Volunteers’ Voices 2/2024 has been published on the...

MaailmanVaihtoa – Volunteers’ Voice 1/2021: Going Digital @ Maailmanvaihto

In this issue:

MaailmanVaihtoa – Volunteers’ Voices 1/2021 in pdf format

4 Pääkirjoitus / Editorial
6 Kutsu kevätkokoukseen / Invitation to Spring Meeting
7 Greetings from abroad: From Finland to Austria and from Taiwan to Finland
10 Tule mukaan toimintaan
11 Vapaaehtoinen tuo arkeen yllätyksiä
12 Join our activities
13 Terveisiä maailmalta! Greetings from Abroad!
17 Working with Victims of Torture in a Bolivian NGO
35 Tapahtumakalenteri

Theme / Teema

19 Meeting Face-to-face vs. Meeting Online
22 (Etä)vapaaehtoistyön mahdollisuudet pandemian aikana
25 Maailmalle ilman älypuhelinta
28 Keeping in Touch Online after Volunteering
31 Vapaaehtoistyön digitaaliset kasvot
34 Towards More Accessibility in the Digital World

Editorial: A Year of Exceptions

A state of emergency, aerosols, infection rate, spreading phase. The year 2020 instilled a multitude of new vocabulary for everyone’s daily use. In addition to the new words, 2020 will probably be remembered by many as a year that we would rather not remember. The coronavirus pandemic turned the daily lives of people and organizations on their heads and made many everyday routines something quite other than self-evident.

As an organization, Maailmanvaihto’s strengths lie in extensive international networks as well as warm-hearted grassroots contacts. Every volunteer leaving for the world and arriving in Finland is sure to get to know the people of the office and other actives. Needless to say, due to the coronavirus situation, the organization was suddenly cramped. How can an international volunteering organization act in a situation where people have to shut themselves in their homes?

The silver lining is that the corona pandemic happened in the 2020s, when telecommunications networks are fast and IT equipment is relatively affordable in terms of both price and usability. Thanks to technology, for example, the board of Maailmanvaihto has succeeded in working remotely despite the challenging situation. The forced digital leap made the people of Maailmanvaihto also make other delightful insights: remotely organized information events and a language café, among others, have proved to be excellent solutions, which we will certainly continue to implement even after the pandemic. In anticipation of the post-pandemic period, we will do our best to pass on the warm, international and caring atmosphere of Maailmanvaihto via remote connections to everyone’s home.

Roosa Kontiokari
Chair of the Board

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Practice languages in Maailmanvaihto’s Language Café

Would you like to practice speaking in Spanish or Finnish...

Maailmanvaihto’s office will closed during 23.12.2024–1.1.2025

Maailmanvaihto's office will remain closed during 23.12.2024–1.1.2025.

Volunteering around the world: Making an impact in Nigeria

At ICYE Nigeria volunteers have a chance to take part...

Read MaailmanVaihtoa – Volunteers Voices 2/2025: the impact of international volunteering

MaailmanVaihtoa – Volunteers’ Voices 2/2024 has been published on the...

What motivated you to participate in international volunteering? Write about your experiences in the MaailmanVaihtoa – Volunteers’ Voices magazine

Write about your experiences

Maailmanvaihto sends and receives international volunteer workers for periods of 6 to 12 months both in Finland and abroad. Even though we are a youth organization, our volunteers have widely varying backgrounds: some have just graduated from upper secondary education, some are spending a gap year, some have already some professional experience…

Have you participated in an international volunteer program via Maailmanvaihto? What kind of motivations and expectations did you have prior to leaving abroad? Did your experience change your perspective or thoughts? Did you get what you expected? Were you surprised by something? Which kinds of things kept up or increased your motivation?

Would you like to write about your experience in the upcoming issue of Volunteers’ Voices? We also welcome photographs and illustrations! Please contact us with your suggestions by June 20th 2021. The deadline for materials is August 1st 2021. Contact address:

Join in the editorial team

Would you like to explore the theme as a part of the editorial team? Please, contact us if you would be interested in contributing by writing an interview story, making graphics, taking photos, or taking part in editing the stories. We will be happy to hear about your interests and to tell you more about the magazine work and ideas for stories for the upcoming issue. Also from those interested in taking part in the editorial work we hope a message by 20th June 2021.

Join in learning together in magazine work! You can reach the editor-in-chiefs via the address


Read published issues of the magazine.

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Practice languages in Maailmanvaihto’s Language Café

Would you like to practice speaking in Spanish or Finnish...

Maailmanvaihto’s office will closed during 23.12.2024–1.1.2025

Maailmanvaihto's office will remain closed during 23.12.2024–1.1.2025.

Volunteering around the world: Making an impact in Nigeria

At ICYE Nigeria volunteers have a chance to take part...

Read MaailmanVaihtoa – Volunteers Voices 2/2025: the impact of international volunteering

MaailmanVaihtoa – Volunteers’ Voices 2/2024 has been published on the...

Greetings from abroad: From Finland to Austria and from Taiwan to Finland

Each year Maailmanvaihto sends and receives young people for long-term volunteering. Susanna Halme and Fang Yuan Chuang share their volunteering experiences during a global pandemic.

Interviews: Fabienne Zogg & Roos Freije
Photos: Daniela Fellinger, the albums of the volunteers

Susanna: Suomesta Itävaltaan

A person and a dog in front of a forest scene.

Lähdin, koska…

Olen aina unelmoinut asumisesta pidemmän aikaa toisessa maassa itsenäisesti. En kuitenkaan tiennyt, miten se onnistuisi. Kun löysin tiedon nuorisovaihtojärjestö Grenzenlosin ESC-vapaaehtoistyöprojektista, tajusin sen olevan täydellinen mahdollisuus. Olen näkövammainen, minkä myötä ei ole ihan yksinkertaista muuttaa ulkomaille: täytyy miettiä miten saan tarvittavan avun ja tukitoimet, kuten henkilökohtaisen avustajan ja liikkumistaidon ohjauksen. Tässä projektissa haettiin nimenomaan vammaista vapaaehtoista ja projektin tavoitteisiin kuuluu erityistarpeiden huomioiminen. Siksi pystyin lähtemään matkaan luottavaisin mielin. Halusin myös oppia lisää järjestötyöstä ja kansainvälisestä vapaaehtoistyöstä. Olen todella vaikuttunut, kuinka inklusiivinen tämä hanke on ja kuinka sujuvasti saavutettavuus, yhdenvertaisuus ja tarvittavat tukitoimet on otettu huomioon.


Vapaaehtoishankkeeni nimi on Grenzenlos Without Barriers, jonka tavoitteena on edistää kulttuurien moninaisuutta ja kulttuurienvälistä vuorovaikutusta lähettämällä vapaaehtoisia ulkomaille ja vastaanottamalla vapaaehtoisia Itävaltaan, järjestämällä vapaaehtoistyöleirejä, seminaareja, koulutuksia jne. Työskentelen vapaaehtoisena Grenzenlosin toimistolla Wienissä.

Monipuolisia työtehtäviä ja uuden oppimista

Pääasiallinen työtehtäväni on tuottaa blogia, joka sisältää tekstiä sekä podcasteja. Blogissa käsittelen vapaaehtoistyötä monelta eri kannalta. Esimerkiksi: mitä vapaaehtoisena voi oppia, millainen vaikutus vapaaehtoistyöjaksolla on pidemmälle tulevaisuuteen sekä kuinka saavutettavaa ja inklusiivista vapaaehtoistyö on. Haastattelen vapaaehtoisia ja muita ihmisiä sekä reflektoin omia kokemuksiani. Tapaan ja haastattelen ihmisiä, kirjoitan, äänitän ja editoin. Työni on erittäin mielenkiintoista ja saan kuulla hienoja tarinoita. Opin lisää niin vapaaehtoistyöstä kuin esimerkiksi äänitteiden editoimisesta. Välillä teen myös muita pieniä työtehtäviä. Olen mm. tuottanut ja kääntänyt materiaalia englanniksi ja avustanut somekampanjassa. Olen oppinut paljon Grenzenlosista ja sen monipuolisesta toiminnasta sekä järjestötyöstä yleensä.

Vapaaehtoisena pandemian aikana

Alun perin minun piti aloittaa vapaaehtoistyöjaksoni jo toukokuussa. Koronatilanteen ja matkustusrajoitusten vuoksi jouduimme kuitenkin siirtämään aloitusta, ja lopulta aloitin syyskuussa. Itävallassa on ollut paljon koronarajoituksia: kokoontumisrajoituksia, ulkonaliikkumiskielto, etätyösuositus ja muutamaankin otteeseen ihan täydellinen lockdown. Tämä on väistämättä vaikuttanut arkeeni. Olen tehnyt melko paljon etätöitä. Myös monet muut aktiviteetit, kuten tulovalmennus, saksan kielikurssi sekä vapaaehtoisten tapaamiset ovat siirtyneet verkkoon.

Olen Itävallassa alkanut harrastaa uintia ja sokkojalkapalloa. Valitettavasti tiukentuneiden rajoitusten takia treenit ovat olleet tauolla ja olemme pystyneet tekemään vain kuntopiirejä verkkoversiona. Kavereita tai toisia vapaaehtoisia ei ole pystynyt näkemään isolla porukalla. Ravintolat, museot, kulttuuripaikat yms. ovat suljettuna ja tapahtumat on peruttu. On siis täytynyt löytää uusia tapoja viettää vapaa-aikaa. Olen lenkkeillyt paljon opaskoirani kanssa, kävellyt Wienin puistoissa ja vaelluspoluilla sekä nauttinut luonnosta. Olen myös löytänyt kaverin, jonka kanssa olemme käyneet paljon juoksulenkeillä.

En ole juurikaan pystynyt matkustelemaan naapurimaiden rajojen ollessa kiinni. Wienin ohella olen vieraillut Itävallan kaupungeista vain Wiener Neustadissa, sillä lockdown-olosuhteissa ei kaupunkivierailuista ehkä saisi niin paljoa irti. Minut myös määrättiin kotikaranteeniin reiluksi viikoksi korona-altistuksen takia. Karanteenin aikana en saanut poistua huoneestani käytännössä lainkaan. Jouduin kavereiden ja kollegoiden kanssa järjestämään koiranulkoilutukset ja ruokaostokset. Onneksi pystyin tekemään töitä ja jatkamaan saksan kielikurssia. Vaikka karanteeni ei olekaan kokemuksista mukavin, sekin opetti taas uudenlaisia organisoimistaitoja.
Vaikka koronarajoitukset jollain tavoin rajoittavat ja määrittävät tekemisiäni, asenne ratkaisee: yritän nauttia täysillä niistä asioista, joihin minulla on mahdollisuus. Esim. opaskoirani kanssa lenkkeily Tonavan rannalla on saanut ihan uuden merkityksen lockdownin keskellä. Ja poikkeusoloista auttaa selviämään se, että todella pidän työstäni Grenzenlosilla ja sitä pystyn koronasta huolimatta tekemään!

Arvokkaita ystävyyssuhteita ja koronarajoitusten tuomat haasteet

Antoisinta on ollut toteuttaa omaa projektia pääasiallisena työtehtävänäni. Olen saanut ideoida blogiani ja suunnitella haastatteluja, postauksia ja podcasteja. Voin käsitellä niitä aiheita, jotka koen kiinnostaviksi ja antoisiksi, ja saan käyttää luovuuttani. Tarvittaessa saan arvokasta ja kannustavaa tukea kollegoilta. Työ motivoi, kun sitä saa olla itse suunnittelemassa ja kun näkee oman työn ja ideoinnin tuloksen.

Antoisia ovat olleet myös uudet kaveruudet ja ystävyydet. Arvokkaita kaverisuhteita on löytynyt niin toisista vapaaehtoisista kuin harrastuksista. Harrastusteni kautta olen päässyt tutustumaan myös toisiin näkövammaisiin, mikä on tarjonnut arvokasta vertaistukea. Myös yhteistyö henkilökohtaisen avustajani kanssa on todella toimivaa ja meistä on vähitellen tullut ystävät. Tämä yhteys varmasti jatkuu pitkään projektin jälkeenkin.

Haasteellisinta on ollut korona ja sen mukanaan tuomat rajoitukset, epävarmuus ja jatkuvasti muuttuvat olosuhteet. On ollut hankala tehdä suunnitelmia ja jatkuvasti on täytynyt olla valmis sopeutumaan uudenlaiseen tilanteeseen ja uusiin rajoituksiin. Etenkin tiukat kokoontumisrajoitukset ovat aiheuttaneet haasteita työssä, vapaa-ajalla ja tukitoimien järjestämisessä.

Terveiseni niille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneet vapaaehtoistyöstä maailmalla

Go for it! Jos yhtään tuntuu, että maailmalle lähteminen voisi olla se oma juttu, ei muuta kuin matkaan! Kannustan ihan jokaista lähtemään. Etenkin haluaisin kannustaa vammaisia ja erityistä tukea tarvitsevia nuoria osallistumaan – kaikki on mahdollista ja Maailmanvaihdossa asenne on kohdallaan ja kaikkien osallisuutta halutaan aidosti tukea. Vapaaehtoistyöjakso ulkomailla antaa todella paljon. Siinä oppii toisesta maasta ja kulttuurista, ja työtehtävät opettavat varmasti tulevaisuudessa hyödyllisiä taitoja. Myös kielitaito karttuu ja itsevarmuus toimia vieraalla kielellä kasvaa. Ennen kaikkea vapaaehtoisuus kuitenkin antaa mahdollisuuden oppia itsestään, haastaa itseään, löytää uusia taitoja ja vahvuuksia ja kokea osallisuutta. Vapaaehtoisuus huippuhetkineen ja haasteineen on kokonaisuus, joka varmasti muuttaa elämää ja on monin tavoin opettavainen ja arvokas.

Fang-Yuan: From Taiwan to Finland

A person in front of a wall, in the wall there is a poster with text which says in Finnish "Kainuun opisto, for life".

I went because…

I have lost many wonderful opportunities because I was not confident enough, nor did I dare to speak English or talk to foreigners. A while ago someone told me “Language is not the reason to stop you from knowing the world.” This changed my perspective and led to the fact that I left my comfort zone behind in order to get to know a different version of myself. And now I can happily say that I made it!

To Finland!

I wanted to experience a completely different culture than that of my home country. In my eyes, the best way to do this was to live with locals in another country for a longer period of time, to find a more authentic self. At the same time, I believe that Finland has one of the most advanced values in the world, such as the focus on equality and respect for every individual being. This is also reflected in their well-known educational system where there is room for personal growth, which I really admire.

Living and assisting at a Finnish folk high school

I work as an assistant at Kainuu College, a folk high school in Mieslahti in northern Finland. Kainuu College is a learning institution and an adult education centre that is open for all. It offers many different study opportunities as well as guidance in learning and active citizenship. As an assistant, I organize activities, participate in different courses and do cleaning and kitchen work.

Influence of the coronavirus situation

During the pandemic, the Finnish government closed schools for a period of time, which prevented me from meeting other people. Although I felt lonely, I spent more time in nature and strengthening my Finnish language skills through online Finnish courses provided by Kainuu College.

Greetings to those who are thinking of volunteering abroad

As a volunteer, you will meet all kinds of people, and volunteering abroad, in general, is a rare and special experience not to be missed. Remind yourself to always keep an open mind so you don’t miss any unexpected experiences: try strange and different things. Before you say “no”, just try it! And don’t forget to take care of yourself, too. During the volunteering period, the most difficult thing for me has been communicating in Finnish and understanding the language, but I have always found solutions in different ways. “Language is not the reason to stop you from knowing the world.”

The story has been published in MaailmanVaihtoa – Volunteers’ Voices 1/2021.

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MaailmanVaihtoa – Volunteers’ Voices 2/2022: Sustainable Volunteering

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Practice languages in Maailmanvaihto’s Language Café

Would you like to practice speaking in Spanish or Finnish in a relaxed atmosphere? Would you like to support others in learning these languages by sharing your language knowledge? Join in Maailmanvaihto’s Language Café! Participation is free and open to all young people.

The schedule of the autumn season 2024:

  • Thursday 12th September at 17.30–19.30, theme: Learning with games (maybe we’ll pay Uno cards togehter)
  • Friday 11th October at 17.30–19.30, theme: Friends, interaction, and ways to communicate
  • Thursday 14th November at 17.30–19.30, theme: New words: let’s learn 10 new words together
  • Wednesday 11th December at 17.30–19.30 (Please note that the date has changed!), theme: Wishes and Proposals – how to communicate your thoughts

The meetings will be held at Maailmanvaihto’s office, in the address Oikokatu 3, Helsinki. The office is situated about 10 minutes walk away from the Helsinki central railway station.

The Language Café is open to all interested, and you are welcome to join once or several meetings. We welcome to the Language Café both young participants of Maailmanvaihto’s activities and new people. You are welcome to participate in one or several meetings.

The Language Café is hosted by volunteers Isa and Mikaela. Isa created the Language Café for Maailmanvaihto as a part of their European Solidarity Corps volunteering period in Maailmanvaihto.

Safer space and accessibility

We wish to build in all Maailmanvaihto’s activities an atmosphere in which all participants can feel welcome as themselves. To support this, we will follow at the event Maailmanvaihto’s Safer space principles.

Inside Maailmanvaihto’s office, it is possible to move around with a wheelchair, but the office space is not completely wheelchair accessible: there is an approximately 7 cm doorstep at the entrance, and the toilet is not big enough for a wheelchair. Assistance dogs are welcome. If needed, we will gladly give you further information:

How to join

Register for the meetings of the Language Café via e-mail: We hope to receive your registration in order to know how much coffee and tea to make for the participants. 🙂

Welcome! Tervetuloa! ¡Bienvenidos!

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Marta’s Story as an ESC Trainee – An Opportunity to Continue Broadening your Horizon after volunteering

Marta Melendez Ortega is one of the young people who have participated in the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) Volunteering through Maailmanvaihto. Marta’s story is a unique one: After a year as an ESC volunteer, Marta was still eager to develop relevant skills and to continue the learning experience in Finland. So, Marta applied through Maailmanvaihto for a new ESC opportunity: being an ESC trainee. Now Marta is the first young person who participates in the ESC traineeship, coordinated by Maailmanvaihto!

The ESC traineeship is a rather new opportunity for young people. The aim is to support young people in gaining work experience and intercultural competences in order to benefit their future career possibilities. This international traineeship can widen the understanding of global issues, cultures, and solidarity, for instance. Besides supporting young people, the traineeship aims at supporting the vitality of the participating organizations.

Continuing co-operating with Kisälli-Harjulanmäki

In September 2020, Marta started as an ESC trainee at Kisälli-Harjulanmäki, right after finishing a European Solidarity Corps Volunteering period there earlier in September: “During my volunteering year, I was very happy with working with Kisälli-Harjulanmäki. The whole of Kisälli-Harjulanmäki is really passionate about the project they carry out and they dedicate a lot of effort to create an environment of personal, social, and creative development for all the clients, workers, and volunteers.”

Kisälli-Harjulanmäki is located in Vihti, a town situated about fifty kilometers away from Helsinki. Kisälli-Harjulanmäki is an organization that provides people with intellectual disabilities support in their personal, professional, educational, physical, emotional, and communicative development through art and working together. It is carried out via workshops where artistic projects are made that seek the discovery and development of their skills, and the learning of new ones.

Three people in front of a door in which text Maailmanvaihto. From left: Mauri Pajunen, Marta Melendez Ortega and Mari Takalo.


Kisälli-Harjulanmäki has already been working together with Maailmanvaihto for a long time, but this ESC traineeship is a new addition to our successful co-operation. The director of Kisälli-Harjulanmäki and Marta’s mentor, Mauri Pajunen further explains: “We thought that it would be interesting to use the opportunity of an ESC trainee and to continue the co-operation in this context with Marta – the co-operation which has worked so well!”

When Marta had the chance to continue working with Kisälli-Harjulanmäki, Marta seized this opportunity with both hands: “I am a teacher by profession. Kisälli-Harjulanmäki is a really beautiful place where I can develop also professionally. I knew that with Mauri at the helm, and together with the rest of the team, I would always be very well supported. I have meetings with my mentor about my development on a regular basis. I am learning new teaching techniques and I have more responsibilities in the organization, which is very useful for my career path. I am super lucky with this opportunity!”, Marta tells.

Expanding skills and knowledge through the ESC traineeship

Marta explains that the ESC traineeship opens more opportunities for the future: “My studies to become a teacher included general aspects of education for people who have some type of intellectual disability. Through this project, I have been able to broaden my vision and have a more understanding of this. Thanks to the experience here, I can improve my skills in this direction in the future.”

“I have also discovered new ways of learning and working at Kisälli-Harjulanmäki. They differ much from those which I have learned in Spain. At Kisälli-Harjulanmäki the participants of the workshops have the freedom to develop themselves at their own pace. They are approached as individuals, taking into account their individual needs and skills, without comparing them to each other. I will take this valuable perspective with me to Spain”, Marta explains.

According to Marta the difference between the ESC volunteering experience and the ESC traineeship is Marta’s involvement in the organizational part and having more responsibilities. Both ESC volunteering and the ESC traineeship comes with the benefits of the European Solidarity Corps: “Besides the daily learning experiences at Kisälli-Harjulanmäki, this traineeship offers me an opportunity to keep discovering the Finnish culture, and through Maailmanvaihto I still have the chance to easily meet new people from every corner of the world. I still enjoy all the creative and social parts in the same way as to when I was an ESC volunteer”, Marta tells.

Sharing working methods and approaches during the traineeship is highly beneficial for the participants as well as the participating organizations. Mauri Pajunen from Kisälli-Harjulanmäki would recommend the ESC traineeship to other organizations: “There is a lot of potential with the young volunteers and interns. I see the ESC traineeship as a continuation for the ESC volunteer year.”

The photo on top: In Kisälli-Harjulanmäki ESC trainee Marta Marta Melendez Ortega (left) has got to participate in inspiring artistic co-operation with the participants of Kisälli’s workshops. In the left photo Artturi Holm, a participant of the workshops, painting.

European Solidarity Corps Traineeships through Maailmanvaihto

Maailmanvaihto has begun to coordinate European Solidarity Corps Traineeship periods of young people in Finland as well as to send young people abroad from Finland for ESC Traineeships. In a project of three-year project which began in 2020, three young people will arrive in Finland for ESC Traineeships coordinated by Maailmanvaihto and two young people will head abroad for an ESC Traineeship sent by our NGO.

We gladly plan new traineeship co-operations for the future! We will be happy to tell more about the ESC Traineeship for those organizations interested in receiving a trainee as well as for those young people interested in participating in it.

Please, contact us for further information: Programme Coordinator Mari Takalo:, 044 318 0888. Further information is also available at the website of the Finnish National Agency for Education (in Finnish).

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Volunteers’ Voices 2/2020: Returning from Volunteering Abroad

In this issue

4 Pääkirjoitus / Editorial
6 Kutsu syyskokoukseen / Invitation to autumn meeting
7 Kuulumisten vaihtoa
10 Tule mukaan toimintaan
11 Haastattelijana pääsee peilaamaan omia vapaaehtoiskokemuksia
12 Join our activities
13 Terveisiä maailmalta! Greetings from abroad!
16 “Let the world walk into our school”
18 Uusia näkymiä Boliviasta
33 26 maailmanvaihtolaisen kausi
35 Tapahtumakalenteri

21 Kotiinpaluun kulttuurishokki – voimaa vertaistuesta
24 From Turkey to Finland
26 Pitkä matka kotiin – erään vapaaehtoisen tarina
28 The conflict of emotions in the aid work industry
30 After volunteering

Editorial: A Year to Remember

The year 2020 shall be remembered by one major global theme: the worldwide corona pandemic. COVID-19 and its consequences have brushed upon peoples’ lives all over the human-inhabited continents. We have seen debates on the usefulness of mask policies, travel restrictions being imposed, recommendations to work remotely from home and keep social distance, and quarantines.

With such great impact on society, the corona virus has most definitely affected the operation of ICYE Finland as well. With slight dread we have been anticipating changes to our Finnish volunteers’ travel schedules, and even possible program interruptions for those already abroad. Also, the situation for foreign volunteers in Finland kept us vigilant on the conditions for continuing volunteer programs during the pandemic and whether those who decide to interrupt their program could even safely return to their homelands. Amidst all this confusion shines a light of optimism: as an organization, this has provided us a test on how we cope with a crisis at such a large scale as a pandemic, and I must say I am very proud of the people working together to make ICYE Finland work. Both our basic functions and our board activities have been taken care of with the swift moves corona has required: activities have been transferred online and our gaze has shifted even further into bettering the quality of our functions and monitoring it even though our participant numbers might temporarily drop. Not everything is at halt, the functions of ICYE Finland keep churning on.

A big part of ICYE Finland’s functions consist of training our volunteers both before their departure to and after their return from their volunteer period. The theme issue that you’re reading focuses on the latter part of the volunteer’s journey: return. On page 22 Liisi Vakkila, who recently went through the homecoming process, tells us what it was for her to return from the bustling city of Tainan to her quiet hometown in South Karelia. On page 28 Joy Martins Branco Correia Lopes shares the conflicting feelings that working in a Red Cross refugee reception centre had evoked. In addition, we have two volunteers share their volunteer work experience under the time of corona: Anssi Häkkinen who travelled from Finland to volunteer in Argentina, and Ana Costa Machado who came from Portugal to volunteer in Sippola residential school in Finland.

The theme issue in your hands is indeed one packed with big emotion. The moment of return offers us the chance to look back at everything lived and experienced and cherish those experiences – and maybe even the lessons we learned. Whether the return took place a year ago, a decade ago, or it’s been even several decades since, it’s useful to go over the mental items brought over through one’s journeys and how they live on in us into this day.

I wish you pleasurable reading moments with this issue themed “Returning from volunteering abroad”!

Mia-Elina Aintila
Board member, Finnish volunteers’ team
(ICYE volunteer in Colombia 2010–11)

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ESC volunteering at Maailmanvaihto: a joint learning experience

This year, for the first time, a European Solidarity Corps volunteer joined the office team of Maailmanvaihto. The period was rewarding both for the volunteer Isa Hernandez and for the office team members, even though the corona time changed their joint plans.

Maailmanvaihto – ICYE Finland has been active in the field of international youth exchange in Finland since 1958, but normally our volunteers work elsewhere than at Maailmanvaihto’s office. This changed at the beginning of 2020, when Maailmanvaihto welcomed into its office team a young person for European Solidarity Corps Volunteering. The first volunteer of Maailmanvaihto’s office was Isa Hernandez who has a Costa Rican background. Isa previously traveled to Finland for ICYE volunteering and studied here after her volunteering year in the arts and media field.

The aim of hosting ESC volunteers at the Maailmanvaihto office is to offer the participants an opportunity for intercultural learning, while at the same time learning about the activities of a youth exchange organisation and media and communication work. The European Solidarity Corps volunteers enrich the organisational culture by bringing their knowledge, ideas, and perspectives of a young person.

ESC volunteer Isa Hernandez and communications officer Minna Räisänen at a table at the office of Maailmanvaihto.
ESC volunteer Isa and communications officer Minna at the office of Maailmanvaihto. In the photo above Isa and programme coordinator Mari.

In September, the volunteering period of the first ESC volunteer at the office came to an end. For Isa, being an ESC volunteer at Maailmanvaihto was a fulfilling job: “I got to use a lot of my skills and learned new ones. I liked how dynamic the work was. The load of work varied depending on the season. I recommend volunteering at Maailmanvaihto’s office to people who want to learn about the world of volunteering and primarily the NGO position.” During her volunteering period, Isa introduced the Maailmanvaihto Language Café: “It was very rewarding to create a space in which the members of the community could learn from each other.”

The co-operation plans which were made at the beginning of the year changed due to the coronavirus situation. For instance, the video shooting trips of Isa were canceled and the Langage Café went online soon after the first meetings. Despite the changes, the co-operation ended up very inspiring for Maailmanvaihto. “Isa’s input for Maailmanvaihto’s communication work was important from hosting first live broadcasts on Instagram and renewing the look of our advertisements on host family activities. She was also of great help for the office staff in learning online skills during a time in which more of Maailmanvaihto’s activities were taken online”, tells communications officer Minna Räisänen.

Maailmanvaihto has coordinated ESC volunteering in workplaces for years and we welcome new actors to join this joint learning experience, too. “Our own co-operation with Isa strengthened our view that an ESC co-operation offers valuable learning and new perspectives, both for the volunteer and for the voluntary workplace”, says programme coordinator Mari Takalo. Through Maailmanvaihto, voluntary workplaces can receive young adults for ESC volunteering for 6–12 months. Interested work communities can find further information on our website.

ESC volunteer Roos Freije in front of a table and a laptop at a balcony.
ESC volunteer Roos Freije worked from her quarantine-flat for the first two weeks.

Maaimanvaihto wants to thank Isa for her valuable support and we wish her all the best in the future and especially with the university master she just started. At the same time, the organisation welcomes a new ESC volunteer: Roos Freije, who traveled to Finland from the Netherlands. Also Roos will support the office team and she looks forward to work at Maailmanvaihto for the upcoming five months: “I am eager to help fulfill the aims of Maailmanvaihto, to learn more about working in a Finnish NGO and to make sure that both the current and future volunteers will have a life-changing experience, which they will cherish forever.”

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Young person, apply for ESC volunteering in Finland
Become a voluntary workplace for a young person from abroad

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Accessibility of Maailmanvaihto’s website


Accessibility is an important aspect to our website. We are currently exploring in Maailmanvaihto the accessibility of our website through the demands in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 criteria’s stages A and AA. Our website does not meet all those demands. When our exploration ready, we will describe on this page the accessibility of our website as well as our plans for improving the accessibility.

Feedback on accessibility

In case you notice accessibility problems on our website, we would like to hear about them from you! You can reach us via e-mail at the address, by phone from the number +358 50 452 5660 and through the feedback form of our website.

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ICYE Corona Support Group

Due to the Corona pandemic and the lockdown measures put into place, many people around the world have lost their income and are currently facing financial difficulties or even poverty. Through ICYE, personal friendships – between former volunteers, host families and project teams – have been built across national borders. The ICYE Corona Support Group on Facebook builds on this solidarity and friendship: it allows ICYE members to help ICYE members. It is open to all ICYE members around the world who wish to offer or to seek financial assistance.

How to participate:

Step 1: Go to the Facebook Group and ask to become a member.
Step 2: When you have been accepted as a member, post whether you would like to help or need help.
Step 3: Contact your National ICYE Committee to help with money transfer.

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