EVS volunteering in Finland

Hello! My name is Emine, I’m from Turkey and I’m 23 years old. I’m an EVS volunteer here in Finland. I’m working with people with disabilities. In my blog I’m telling about my experiences. My volunteering period is August 2016 – June 2017.

>> Read the blog of Emine

The blog is from the season 2016–17. It is in Turkish. Emine participated in Finland in the European Voluntary Service (EVS). Maailmanvaihto receives EVS volunteers for volunteer periods of 6–12 months. Would you be interested in participating? Read more about the EVS and apply! 

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Keeping in touch after volunteering

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ESC volunteering at Maailmanvaihto: a joint learning experience

This year, for the first time, a European Solidarity Corps...

Blog: Finland

Hello! My name is Paolo, I’m from Italy and I am 27 years old now! At the moment I’m going to volunteer for 10 months in a school with special needs students in Pieksämäki in the centre of Finland. I spend time with the pupils during classes but also and mostly during their leisure time. I decided to put in my blog some tales from this experience. Hope you can enjoy them!

>> Read the blog of Paolo

The blog is from the season 2016–17. Paolo participated in Finland in the European Voluntary Service (EVS). Maailmanvaihto receives EVS volunteers for volunteer periods of 6–12 months. Would you be interested in participating? Read more about the EVS and apply!

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Greetings from abroad: from Finland to Switzerland, from Germany to Finland

Each year Maailmanvaihto sends and receives young people for long-term...

Keeping in touch after volunteering

The end of the international volunteering period often marks a...

ESC volunteering at Maailmanvaihto: a joint learning experience

This year, for the first time, a European Solidarity Corps...

Mein Jahr in Finnland

Moi! My name is Michelle. I’m 19 years old and from Germany. I’m a volunteer here in Finland, specifically in Jokela which is a small town with 6 000 inhabitants, luckily just 37 minutes away from Helsinki by train. My workplace is the secondary school in Jokela, so I’m working with kids at the age of 13 to 16. I mostly help the teachers during the lessons to make sure everybody does their the exercises. But I also sometimes play some games with the students or just have a talk with them in English or German. In my blog I just write about all my experiences and adventures I make and have!

>> Read the blog of Michelle

The blog is from the season 2016–17.  It is in German.

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Greetings from abroad: from Finland to Switzerland, from Germany to Finland

Each year Maailmanvaihto sends and receives young people for long-term...

Keeping in touch after volunteering

The end of the international volunteering period often marks a...

ESC volunteering at Maailmanvaihto: a joint learning experience

This year, for the first time, a European Solidarity Corps...

Mein Freiwilligendienst in Finnland

Hallöchen, Moikka! Ich bin Isabel, 18 Jahre alt und lebe jetzt schon seit fast 2 Monaten in Finnlands Hauptstadt Helsinki. Ich mache einen internationalen Freiwilligendienst über die Organisation ICJA und werde ein Jahr hier in einem Projekt arbeiten und in einer Gastfamilie wohnen. Mein Projekt heißt Fallkullas domestic animal farm und ist eine Kombination von Jugenzentrum und Bauernhof, sprich es gibt jede Menge Tiere und Kinder und Jugendliche können Nachmittags kommen und verschiedene Aktivitäten mit oder ohne Tiere machen. Wenn ihr mehr wissen wollt über mein Leben hier in Finnland und mein Projekt, schaut doch mal in meinen Blog rein 😉 Liebe Grüße aus dem Norden, Isabel

>> Read the blog of Isabel

Michelle’s blog is from the season 2016–17. Her blog is in German. See the blogs of other volunteers here.

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Greetings from abroad: from Finland to Switzerland, from Germany to Finland

Each year Maailmanvaihto sends and receives young people for long-term...

Keeping in touch after volunteering

The end of the international volunteering period often marks a...

ESC volunteering at Maailmanvaihto: a joint learning experience

This year, for the first time, a European Solidarity Corps...

Photo Story: the English Playschool of Kangasala

”I work as a volunteer in the English Playschool of Kangasala and have the best way to work ever! This is the lake next to my house that I drive past every day. Gorgeous! It brightens my day even before the kids in the kindergarten do. In my project, I assist in the daily schedule: dressing the kids, dealing with the food, preparing activities. I am glad to be able to do own projects like some planting or crafting with the kids and presenting my countries Germany and Ghana.”

”I keep meeting great people and making new friends. These I met in the On-Arrival Camp and I hope that the contact will remain after our time in Finland!” Nana in the photo on the left.

”Tallinn, Stockholm, Jyväskylä… – St. Petersburg and Lapland yet to come. Travelling is part of my free time here, visiting neighboring countries or friends in different Finnish cities – or villages.”

“A windy, rainy day at Suomenlinna, Helsinki, but I experienced freedom and absolute happiness there. Feelings that I got to know very well here.”



Nana participated in Finland in the European Voluntary Service (EVS). Maailmanvaihto receives EVS volunteers for volunteer periods of 6–12 months. Would you be interested in participating? Read more about the EVS and apply!

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Greetings from abroad: from Finland to Switzerland, from Germany to Finland

Each year Maailmanvaihto sends and receives young people for long-term...

Keeping in touch after volunteering

The end of the international volunteering period often marks a...

ESC volunteering at Maailmanvaihto: a joint learning experience

This year, for the first time, a European Solidarity Corps...

Leo’s Finnlandjahr 16/17

Hei, I am Leo, at the moment (2016) 18 years old and from Germany. Obviously am I at the moment volunteering in Finland, exactly in Alavus, a small town in the north-west of Southern Finland, far, far away from the centre of attention, but with very kind people. I am working in a primary school, organizing activities and helping the teachers. In my blogentrys I am telling about my experiences in different topics, for example: meeting the other volunteers, language, host family life, partying, travelling or the all day working feeling.

>> Read the blog of Leo

Leo’s blog is from the season 2016–17. His blog is in German.

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Keeping in touch after volunteering

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ESC volunteering at Maailmanvaihto: a joint learning experience

This year, for the first time, a European Solidarity Corps...

Sharing and Caring as a Host Family

All the volunteers who have lived with us have arrived...

A Day in my Life

What are days of volunteers like at their workplaces? Mexican Jorge Lara tells about one of his days in a primary school in Kirkonseudun koulu in Nakkila, Finland.

Surreal, that’s how my day starts.

7:45 AM; the Game of Thrones alarm from my phone and the energetic yells of my host sister are telling me that it’s time to wake up. As we all do, I stay in bed for five more minutes but then it’s time to begin the day. I go to the kitchen, where I meet my host family and we have breakfast together. I have a quick shower before departing to my work place. I normally cycle with my host sisters to their school and then continue to mine.

I feel like in a dream or in a movie every morning cycling to school, saying “hi” to people and arriving to the school with a positive attitude. The kids are playing outside when the bell rings and I go inside to the building to leave my backpack and jacket in the teachers’ room.

““Huomenta!” That’s the first word I say every day. The teachers answer me with a smile. It’s always good to be here, it’s a very comfortable place, cozy.”

“Huomenta!” That’s the first word I say every day. The teachers answer me with a smile. It’s always good to be here, it’s a very comfortable place, cozy. At least that’s how I always feel here. A small chat is like a warming up before each one of us goes to the classrooms.

It’s Tuesday, the third graders and Pia, their teacher, are waiting for me to arrive. My main task here is to help the whole group during the lessons, but especially focus on the ones who have problems. So keeping that in mind, I go directly to sit next to these kids, and help them.

The first class is over, 10 minutes of recess and then I go to my next lesson: maths. For this lesson I move to another building, where I have maths with the 7th graders and Seppo, my amazing mentor. I always enjoy being with those guys because we have a good relationship. Some of them have some difficulties with speaking English, but this is not a barrier for our communication. We always try to find a way to understand each other.

P.E is the next subject For these two weeks, Seppo and Jarkko, who is my great support person, gave me the chance to hold football lessons during this hour. The girls don’t like it so much, but I can feel the excitement of the boys.

After one hour of football, tired and hungry we go straight to the canteen where we get our lunch. The longer recess is now. Sometimes I go out and play with the kids or then I just stay talking with the teachers in the teachers’ room.

“Now it’s time again for P.E, but this time with the girls. 3rd graders and their teacher Ellu are now playing the traditional Finnish baseball called pesäpallo. I join them, help and have fun with them.”

Now it’s time again for P.E, but this time with the girls. 3rd graders and their teacher Ellu are now playing the traditional Finnish baseball called pesäpallo. I join them, help and have fun with them. For me, one of the main achievements you can have as a volunteer is this intercultural exchange. to see that the kids enjoy me staying here. One smile is more valuable than a lot of other things.

English is my last lesson of the day. The kids are tired and desperate to go home, but this doesn’t take away all of their energy.

“Nähdään huomenna!” are the last words from the students to me today. The day is over.

During these five months I have learned and enjoyed so much every day. I have a special connection with the kids and the teachers. For the first time in my life I feel different. I have only one feeling: happiness. It’s hard to explain, but I feel free, happy and loved.

I know that tomorrow will be a totally different day, but this doesn’t mean it won’t be great.

Jorge Lara


Text has been published in the magazine MaailmanVaihtoa – Volunteers’ Voices 3/2015.

Jorge participated in Finland in the International Cultural Youth Exchange program in which the participants volunteer for 6 or 12 months. Would you be interested in participating? Read more about the program and apply!

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Keeping in touch after volunteering

The end of the international volunteering period often marks a...

Greetings from abroad: From Finland to Austria and from Taiwan to Finland

Each year Maailmanvaihto sends and receives young people for long-term...

Volunteers’ Voices 2/2016: voices of interest groups

Editorial: Inspiring Encounters and Learning Together

What do the people of voluntary workplaces – the staff and the pupils of a school or disabled people of a workshop, for instance – gain from international voluntary work cooperation? The impact is often explored from the perspective of a volunteer. It is pondered, what the volunteer has learned abroad and how the experiences have added to the personal growth of the participant. This magazine aims at bringing forth experiences of the people at voluntary workplaces.

In Maailmanvaihto I have had the pleasure to witness many wonderful encounters and stories of personal growth. The biggest achievements are often small shared moments in the daily life and mutual learning experiences: how the boys of a special education class get inspired to learn English with a Mexican volunteer or a lonely youngster with a challenged background finds a friend to play billiards with out of an Indian volunteer. A volunteer is often the one who has time to play, talk and pay attention, as Ghanaian pupil Maxwell and Kisälli’s Sini and Aleksi tell in their interviews in this magazine.

The volunteer always brings something new for the voluntary workplace: a possibility to develop language skills among the daily tasks and a breeze of the volunteer’s own culture. This broadens the worldview and opens a new window to the world for the people at the workplaces. In the grassroot peace education it is important to offer – for pupils, for instance – an experience that one can get along with a foreigner and enjoy time together even without a shared language. In this way people dare to step over the boundaries of their comfort zones, get to know each other and learn together.

It is often difficult to put into words the benefits and learning experiences international volunteering offers. Often it can provide new insights and wonderful encounters which can inspire a long way further.

Mari Takalo
Programme Coordinator of Maailmanvaihto

In the issue

2 Editorial: Inspiring Encounters and Learning Together
3 Kasvun paikat ja kannustavat kohtaamiset
5 Ajankohtaista
8 Syksyllä 17 vapaaehtoista eri puolille maailmaa Argentiinasta Vietnamiin
9 Kutsu syyskokoukseen
Teema: Sidosryhmien Äänet / Theme: Voices of Interest Groups
— 10 Juksailua ja kielioppia Ghanassa
— 11 Aikaa, oppia ja toveruutta Costa Ricassa
— 14 Kulttuurivaihtoa kangaspuiden lomassa
— 18 Uutta arkea Costa Ricassa
22 On-Arrival training in Antaverkka
34 ICYE Around the World: Vivid Energy in Taiwan
26 Päivä Sofian Kengissä
28 Volunteering at Kainuun Opisto
31 Askel eteenpäin – Työkalupakki ihmisoikeuskasvatukseen
32 Tule mukaan toimintaan!
33 Kielitaitoa väkisinkin
34 Toiminnan lähtökohtia
35 Tapahtumakalenteri

ISSN 2342-2629 (Printed)
ISSN 2342-2637 (Online version)

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Towards Meaningful Meetings in Volunteering

In international volunteering the participants learn through daily co-operation. At...

Volunteers’ Voices 1/2016: everyday life

Editorial: Jump Into the Unknown

When I left to Costa Rica in August 2014, I had already created a bunch of surrealistic ideas how my time there is going to be. Besides the concrete thoughts concerning my travelling plans and hopes related to my future-work, I also imagined myself in a more idealistic way. First of all, I would alienate myself from my obsessive behavior towards my phone (and wi-fi!), I would eat healthier and refuse parties for a year in total. Yeah, that would totally do it! I would be the new improved version of myself. Sure.

My time abroad became something more than I would have ever expected beforehand. I made new friends, I underwent through a lot and I was literally spending time far-away from my comfort-zone. I gained experiences that I will, in no doubt, remember forever.

Besides all of that and even more, there was this tiny bit of me that never really changed – even though I was living in this tiny village in the middle of no-where, working with the sea turtles. My heart sank every time when the wi-fi went down. During my first night in my village I already spent the whole night drinking coco-locos with the locals. And I never got used to tico-time, the Costa Rican way of being late from absolutely everywhere.

For all the volunteers in Finland and beyond. Time is yours, be you, try to make the most of it and remember to enjoy the ride!

Anna Ylitalo
Member of the Maailmanvaihto board who volunteered in Costa Rica  in the season 2014–15

In the issue

2 Editorial: Jump Into the Unknown
3 Pääkirjoitu: Hyppy tuntemattomaan
5 Kutsu kevätkokoukseen
6 Ajankohtaista
Teema: Arki / Theme: Everyday Life
— 9 Haaveena arjen vaihtaminen? Vinkkejä hakuun
— 11 Ennen Matkaa… Muistithan nämä?
— 12 Erilainen kauppareissu
— 14 One day in kirkkomännikön koulu
— 16 Makumatka maailmalla
— 17 Kokkailua Taiwanissa
— 19 Reseptejä maailmalta
— 21 Arkielämää Mumbaissa
22 Nostalgia eli kotiinpaluun tuska
23 Intensive and inspiring office days in Vietnam
25 Terveiset ICYEn yleiskokouksesta Intiasta
28 Luokkahuoneissa kurkistuksia eri puolille maailmaa
30 Volunteer experiences and Finnish nightmares
32 Tule mukaan toimintaan!
33 Uutta arkea omassa kodissa
35 Tapahtumakalenteri

ISSN 2342-2629 (Printed)
ISSN 2342-2637 (Online version)

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Volunteers’ Voices 4/2015: impact of volunteering

Editorial: Impact watch

As TV viewers we witness big and small miracles every day. As the reality TV crews roll in, lives are transformed at a pace that most of us wouldn’t even dare to imagine. An ordinary woman with low self-esteem is given a full makeover – and in no time, she dazzles everyone with her radiant confidence. Next minute it is an entire family whose sorrows turn into tears of joy as they first enter their fully renovated home.

It’s inspiring to see positive changes, right? It’s a pity that in the world of international volunteering witnessing impacts requires considerably more than a finger on the remote control. Luckily we do have Volunteers’ Voices and this special issue on impacts of volunteering!

And these impacts are definitely worth discussing. Here are at least three good reasons:

  1. Modesty doesn’t take you far. If you’ve made a difference in somebody’s life and learned valuable skills, why not let the world know?
  2. We need to make international volunteering even better! The combination volunteer plus hosting community does not automatically lead to positive impacts (it may even be the contrary sometimes). The guiding principle should always be common good, rather than self-interest.
  3. Better understanding takes team effort! The long lasting traces left by international volunteering are made up of series of tiny surprises; inner changes. Sometimes we are surprised and other times we surprise others. These changes cannot be captured in before and after pictures, so they must be put into words.

But now, without further ado: read and get inspired!

Hanna Rajala

Hanna Rajala
Member of the Maailmanvaihto board who volunteered in Bolivia in the season 2010–11

In the issue

3 Pääkirjoitus: Vaikutusten katsomo
5 Ajankohtaista
Teema: Vapaaehtoistyön vaikuttavuus / There: Impact of Volunteering
– 8 Vapaaehtoisista kasvaa kansainvälisiä osaajia
– 12 Vapaaehtoistyöstä intoa opiskeluun
– 15 Vapaaehtoistyöstä oikeaan työhön
– 18 Mitä jäi käteen?
– 20 Guillermo’s Most Awesome Adventure
– 23 Working in Lyhty as an EVS volunteer
– 26 Vapaaehtoistyöstä tukea kansainväliselle uralle
– 29 Näkökulma: Löysin Meksikosta suomalaisuuteni
30 ICYE around the world: Evaluating in Denmark
32 Terveisiä maailmalta palanneilta!
34 Mitä sitten?
36 Tule mukaan toimintaan!
37 Aitiopaikalla leirikeittiössä
39 Tapahtumakalenteri
37 Aitiopaikalla leirikeittiössä
39 Tapahtumakalenteri

ISSN 2342-2629 (Painettu)
ISSN 2342-2637 (Verkkojulkaisu)

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Towards Meaningful Meetings in Volunteering

In international volunteering the participants learn through daily co-operation. At...