Koperissa Sloveniassa Institution of youth, culture and tourism Koper etsii vapaaehtoista tiimiinsä. Tutustu alta tähän innostavaan mahdollisuuteen ja hae! Vapaaehtoisjaksolla pääset tehtäviin multmimedian ja someviestinnän ja nuorten pariin.
- Vapaaehtoistyöpaikka: Institution of youth, culture and tourism Koper
- Sijainti: Koper, Slovenia
- Vapaaehtoisjakso: marraskuu 2024 – marraskuu 2025 (12 kk)
- Hae viimeistään: 10.11.2024
Tutustu paikkaan alta sekä infokitistä (pdf) sekä projektikuvauksesta (docx).
Vapaaehtoisjaksoa koordinoi Maailmanvaihdon yhteistyöjärjestö järjestö PiNA (https://www.pina.si), jonka kautta paikkaan haetaan.
Activity Description
The institution of youth, culture and tourism Koper has a goal of connecting all three of this fields together – YOUTH, CULTURE and TOURISM.
Youth Department – Youth center Koper (CMK)
The Youth center Koper (CMK) is a non-profitable organization, established in the year of 2015. CMK has 4 main goals:
- providing quality programs and projects that contributes to empowerment of young people
- providing mentoring to young people (assistance in organizing various events, through counseling on open calls for funding etc.)
- providing space for quality leisure time for young people (meeting space, point project planning, playing social games etc.) and use of all equipment
- billiards, table football, projector, table, etc. – free of charge)
- support for young artists (free use of the music equipment, a fully equipped recording studio; we have exercise room for theater groups and mentoring for young poets and writers, etc.).
The Center regularly visits approx. 60 young people per day (use of rooms, participation in programs and events), while at the events there is a visit of over 100 young people to the event (eg a concert).
At least 10 organized activities are held per week, which young people can attend. Almost every weekend there is a concert from different musical genres.
As a youth center we are focused on young people, who have advantages when organizing events and projects, but organisers and visitors vary from age 8 to 60. Youth center Koper is an open minded and very inclusive place. It is open for anyone who wishes to have active free time and anyone who wants to get new skills and knowledge in a fun way.
FOLLOW US: https://www.cmk.si
Link tree: https://linktr.ee/centermladihkoper
Tourism Department
The department of tourism represents the Information point for tourist in the city of Koper. It has a lot of locations around the city: protocolar hall of Sveti Frančišek, event hall Taverna etc.
But the main offices are in Tito square 3, where the info point is located. The mission of this department is to revive the historic city centre and green countryside through tourism, to connect people and ideas, tradition and modern, history, present and future in innovative and bold ways. The ambition is to make tourism a central link between the city and the countryside. The vision: The leading year-round active green Mediterranean destination in Istria and Slovenia.
Follow us: https://poslovno.visitkoper.si/en/
Culture Department
The department of culture is coordinating the implementation of cultural programs, giving support to performers of the cultural programs, is preparing a strategy for the development of culture for the Municipality of Koper and is cooperating with the tourism and youth programs etc. It has 2 main locations: House of culture in the village Sveti Anton (outside Koper town) and an Art residency in Kubed (outside Koper town).
Follow us: https://poslovno.visitkoper.si/en/
Participants be working in different location, mostly in the cultural and youth department. Depending of the projects and activities and of course wishes of the volunteers.
Participant profile, roles, and tasks
The participant will be active in all three departments of the Institution of youth, culture and tourism Koper, approximately 30 hours per week. From Monday to Saturday, 5 days per week for around 6 hours per day (2pm-8pm). The working days and locations will vary from week to week. Participants will receive the schedule in advance. Participants will have 2 free days per week and 2 days of holiday per month.
The participant’s activities consist of supporting full-time workers in the implementation of different activities.
Description of the activities and tasks:
- photographing and shooting video of different events and projects;
- directing, editing and post-production of different video projects and multimedia files;
- social media content management (TikTok, IG, FB, YouTube);
- graphic design for flyers, posters and web magazine (CMK magazine published on issuu.Com);
- assistance in the implementation of the contents;
- acquaintance with the work of the youth center and youth work, info point and cultural center;
- informing and networking with visitors;
- planning, assisting and implementing projects and events;
- helping with the preparation of premises before and after events;
- participation in weekly team meetings.
We are looking for highly motivated young people with an interest in graphic design and multimedia and willing to work with young people, local people and tourists. The tasks and activities will be adapted to the fields of interest and goals of each participant.
Accommodation, food, and transport arrangements
Each volunteer will:
- receive monthly pocket money to the amount of 5 EUR per day and an additional 8 EUR per day for food expenses;
- be registered for the ESC insurance scheme HENNER;
- receive a contribution to the travel costs (the amount will be calculated based on the travel distance of the volunteer);
- receive a task related mentor;
- receive an opportunity to develop a personal project;
- be offered a chance to join a language course with a group
- receive a Youthpass certificate,
- the volunteers will live in an apartment in the city center in a shared room with another volunteer.
Training during the activity
European Solidarity Corps volunteers will have the support of a coordinator (somebody in the hosting organization) and mentor (a friend to talk to outside of the hosting organization) and will take part in an on-arrival and mid-term training course organized by the National Agency (MOVIT).
Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukkojen vapaaehtoistyö
Vapaaehtoistyö Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukoissa tarkoitettu 18–30-vuotiaille ja sen rahoituksesta vastaa Euroopan unioni. Vapaaehtoistyöntekijälle kustannetaan:
- matkat kohdemaahan (osallistujan maksettavaksi voi jäädä pieni osa matkakustannuksista)
- lähtömaan tukijärjestön (lähettävä järjestö) tuki ja yhteydenpito
- kohdemassa tulovalmennuskoulutus ja puolivuotisleiri
- ylläpito kohdemaassa
- taskuraha
- päivittäiset työmatkat vapaaehtoistyöpaikalle
- sairaus- ja tapaturmavakuutus sekä vastuuvakuutus
- tukea paikallisen kielen opiskeluun
Lue lisää vapaaehtoistyöstä Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukoissa yleisesti
Hae viimeistään 10.11.2024! Täytä PiNAn sähköinen hakemus osoitteessa https://pinaforms.typeform.com/to/YGCo4JZu.
Voit kertoa hakemuksessasi, että Maailmanvaihto on lähettävä tukijärjetsösi Suomessa. Tietojamme:
- Name: Maailmanvaihto – ICYE Finland
- E-mail: maailmanvaihto@maailmanvaihto.fi
- Phone number: +358 452 5660
- Contact person: Secretary General Anni Koskela
- OID: E10126971
Jos vapaaehtoistyöpaikka haluaa vastaanottaa sinut vapaaehtoiseksi, ota yhteyttä Maailmanvaihtoon maailmanvaihto@maailmanvaihto.fi. Tavataan sitten pienen haastattelun merkeissä, ja jos kaikki vaikuttaa yhteistyömahdollisuudessa sopivalta puolin ja toisin, lyödään lukkoon yhteistyömme.
Voit tiedustella vapaaehtoistyöpaikan esteettömyydestä PiNAlta osoitteesta terminal@pina.si.
Kaipaatko lisätietoa? Ota meihin yhteyttä ja kysy, vastaamme mielellämme!
Tavoitat meidät osoitteesta maailmanvaihto@maailmanvaihto.fi ja numerosta 050 346 0965.