Koulutus: Young Activists for Peace promoting Non-Violent Conflict Resolution, 22.–29.7.2023, Sievershausen (Saksa)

Maailmanvaihto etsii kahta edustajaa Suomesta kansainväliseen kolutukseen Young Activists for Peace promoting Non-Violent Conflict Resolution

Koulutuksen järjestää saksalainen yhteistyöjärjestömme ICJA. Tutustu alta heidän ilmoitukseensa ja innostu mukaan! Ilmoituksen alta löydät hakuohjeen ja -lomakkeen. Hae mahdollisimman pian!

Young Activists for Peace promoting Non-Violent Conflict Resolution – The art of dialogue: Peace-building skills for everyday life and for youth work

  • Sievershausen near Hannover / Germany 22.07.–29.07.2023
  • Age: 18+ Language: English

For all those active in youth work and youth political education at national or international level, who want to experience and learn how to adopt the non-violent communication approach and concept

Are you interested in getting an additional qualification in peace work and conflict resolution for yourself and for your non formal learning activities with young people?

  • Would you like to advocate for peace in your community and society together with people and organisations from different corners of Europe?
  • Do you feel the need to get more know-how and experience in dealing with conflicts on a personal level?
  • Do you find it exciting to learn about methods with which you and the organisations you are involved in can promote peaceful conflict resolution and international friendship among young people?
  • Would you like to adopt the approach and methods of non-violent communication and mediation in your work with young people?
  • Would you like to receive official recognition of your participation in this learning experience? (Youthpass)

If so, we look forward to receiving your application!

With this training, which is part of our long-term project of political education ”Young Activist for Peace”, we want to remind people that we as human beings are also characterised by the ability to communicate successfully, to cooperate, to show compassion and to act in solidarity. We find Non-violent communication can be a powerful method for conflict transformation. It is suggesting to look at conflict, firstly within your relationships and then to learn how to support other people within your community, organisation, your country and internationally.

Our training wants to give the opportunity for a well-founded discussion of the following questions:

  • What concepts can help us to understand and deal with interpersonal and social conflicts?
  • Do you find yourself arguing with parents and friends about little things or feeling lost and overwhelmed with how to support your organisation and other young people around you to truly connect?
  • How is it possible to communicate peacefully instead of escalating and how can we implement this in our work with young people?
  • Where can we as youth workers and youth organisations contribute to a peaceful way of communicating in public discourse?
  • How can we contribute to peace between the countries of Europe and the world through peace education of young people?

Candidates should be aware that this training wants to support you in your development on a personal level. Therefore, you should be ready to get personally involved and to actively participate in the whole process. For further information, please visit https://www.icja.de/content/workcamps/young-activists-for-peace-promoting-non-violent-conflict-resolution

We are happy to announce that Olena Kashkarova from Ukraine and Germany and Emma Buggy from the UK, Israel, Ireland and Greece will be our trainers this year. Both are experienced trainers and mediators in non-violent communication and conflict transformation. In an interactive and safe format, they will invite you to work with examples from your own life. Together you will practice non-violent communication through demonstrations, roleplays and exercises to help further integrate the values and language of NVC into everyday life.

Become part of the international community working for peace and a world without discrimination! We invite two participants from EU- and neighbouring countries from each partner. Some experience in youth or non-formal political education is required. As a follow-up activity the participants are expected to apply the methods and concepts learned in their own youth work activities.

Conditions for Participation & Contact

  • Date of arrival: 22.07.2023 in the afternoon
  • Date of departure: 29.07.2023 after breakfast / lunch
  • Location: Sievershausen (Germany)
  • Age: 18+ (no upper limit)
  • Working language: English
  • Previous experience: you should have some experience in running non-formal youth learning or political education activities
  • The Hosting Organization of this offer will organise the accommodation and covers the costs for accommodation and food
  • The participation fee: 20,- Euro for participants living in South and Eastern Europe. 40,- Euro for participants living in Central, West and Northern Europe. There might be other costs charged by your Sending Organization.
  • Reimbursement of the travel expenses is calculated according to the flat rate of the ERASMUS + programme.

„The goal of Nonviolent Communication is not to change people and their behaviour to get our way, but to build relationships based on honesty and empathy that ultimately meet everyone’s needs.” Marshall Rosenberg

This a professional development activity of the Erasmus+ Programme co-financed by the European Union for which ICJA has received the quality label.

See the call in pdf

Etsimme Maailmanvaihdon edustajiksi henkilöitä, jotka haluavat jalkauttaa koulutuksen antia Maailmanvaihdossa.

Tässä vielä osallistumisehdot suomeksi:

  • Saapumisajankohta: 22.7.2023 iltapäivällä
  • Lähtöajankohta: 29.7.2023 aamiaisen/lounaan jälkeen
  • Paikka: Sievershausen (Saksa)
  • Ikä: 18+ (ei yläikärajaa)
  • Kieli: englanti
  • Vaadittava aiempi kokemus: osallistujilla tulisi olla jonkinlaista kokemusta nonformaalin oppimisen aktiviteettien vetämisestä nuorten parissa tai poliittisen kasvatuksen aktiviteettien vetämisestä
  • ICJA järjestää osallistujille majoituksen ja kattaa heidän majoitus- ja ateriakulunsa
  • Osallistumismaksu: 40 € (Maailmanvaihdon osallistujille Suomesta)
  • Matkakulukorvaus lasketaan Erasmus+-ohjelman kiinteän hinnan mukaan (ks. alla linkki ”Financial guidelines for participants”).

Financial guidelines for participants


Lataa ja täytä rekisteröitymislomake (docx)  ja lähetä lomakkeesi Maailmanvaihtoon osoitteeseen maailmanvaihto@maailmanvaihto.fi.

Hae mahdollisimman pian! Täytämme paikat sitä mukaa, kun sopivia hakijoita löytyy.

Esteettömyys ja saavutettavuus

Jos haluat saada koulutuksen estteettömyys- ja saavutettavuustietoja, ota yhteyttä ICJAan: youthexchange@icja.de.

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